It's been a while, I know.
I started volunteering in a primary school in September which is why I've been so quiet on the simming front - those kids are exhausting. I'm not sure it's going to get any better from here as I start a one year teacher training course in September, but I am still simming and the Discworld legacy is still continuing (just very, very slowly).
In terms of simming, I'm in the process of setting up a new Build a City neighbourhood (got my founders and their houses sorted and I'm making a load of townies before I start playing). I'm using a mixture of rule sets I've found around the net with some personal modifications (mainly that jobs just build up loads of avaliable slots rather than being unlocked and so that sims need to meet certain personal requirements before they can enter a career).
Steven Scout (popularity) and Lewis Button (knowledge)
I have no idea whether I'll every actually post anything from the BaCC (and how I'd post it if I did) but I thought I'd show off the very small beginnings of the hood anyway.
In non-simming news - kittens!
That's Summer (girl) and Dexter (boy), they're about three months old and we adopted them from a local rehoming shelter on Saturday. They've been causing chaos and destruction since the moment they arrived and the other cats are reacting with a mixture of curiosity, indifference and contempt.
Oh, I also have a tumbler - there's bugger all on it at the moment. If I ever get around to using it there'll probably be a mixture of sims and minecraft (and maybe some other games from time to time).