Now that chapter 23 is finished I can do some of the things I've been meaning to do for a while but have been putting off.
- Behind the scenes picspam for chapter 23
- Esme meta
- Edward and Dorian in Three Lakes
- Play the next rotation (weddings and babies!!)
- Add everything I've downloaded in the last two months to my downloads folder
- Sort and rebin all the recent hair I've downloaded
- Delete custom content that I never use
- Make over townies in New Disc
- Catch up on commenting
- Set up a spreadsheet to keep track of Discworld sims
- Rotation picspam
Today I plan to start sorting my downloads and leaving comments on everything I've read recently. I probably won't be leaving very long comments (which is what I prefer to leave) but it's got to the point that I'd rather leave a short sentence than nothing at all.