Jun 05, 2007 12:53
It has been a day of cleaning and watching Torchwood and taking care of business. I love days off-- I like to be productive, honestly I do, but I like to do it on my own time and on my own schedule and with a giant glass of tea beside me. Also, with Soft Cell's "Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret" blaring from the speakers (buy it, people, it's a fantastic record, bizarre and sleazy and, in some odd way, incisively critical of many aspects of modern life.)
I cut my hair. It's short now-- so short, in fact, that I can fauxhawk it, which is the best thing ever. I plan on attending many important events this upcoming year with a fauxhawk. Also a pompadour. It looks good, but it's weird to have it short for the first time since I was about four and Mom gave me that godawful accidental Rod Stewart cut (no, there are no pictures, thank Christ.) I am getting my ears repierced, too. I miss earrings. Did I mention the part about the fauxhawk?
And now, off to file my FAFSA, do some laundry, see about that $100 I put in a bank account six years ago and then forgot about, and generally feel pleased and accomplished. That's plan, anyway. In reality my Ultimate Collector's Edition Doom torrent will probably finish, and I will spend the rest of the day screaming wildly and shooting bad pixelated monsters. Ah well. That's cool too.