I fight crime in my underwear!

Mar 04, 2007 10:51

Yet another "no, I'm not dead" post which seems to account for an alarming percentage of my posts of late. I had a lovely time at Escapade, though I'm still wading through the backlog at work and only just recovering from the jetlag. Note to self: upon returning from a con and taking a red-eye flight home that is delayed by and hour and a half because of a chair back that would not remain upright, it is a *very* bad idea to return home, drop off luggage and immediately go to work. Seriously bad idea. I think that, more than anything accounts for how incredibly tired I've been all week. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

But, I did have a wonderful time not just at the con but also just seeing friends I only get to see once a year and doing other things. On Monday, I got to go to the Getty Villa along with spring_1970 and slb44. nebt_het scored us tickets and it was the perfect way to round out the trip. The Villa is gorgeous and we had the most perfect weather for the visit. If ever I get off my lazy ass and download the pictures I took with my cell phone, I might even post them (pauses until the disbelieving laughter dies down). And then to end on a high note, we had an early dinner with hippediva and smutcutter which not only including good food and better company, but a view of work crews removing props and carpet and such from the Kodak Theatre post-Oscars. You know you;'re in Hollywood when you see a giant Oscar statue lying on its side on a cart. Surreal yet very amusing.

So, it was a good trip all around which makes it even sadder that I won't be able to attend next year because of work obligations. Woe. At least there will be contxt.

Work, alas, continues to kick my butt. There's all the usual stuff, plus a catalogue deadline that I've alreay missed (but then I never really expected to meet it in the first place). Then somehow, I found myself on one of the intern selection committees. I'd just like to go on record as stating that I have *no* recollection of agreeing to be on the this committee. In fact, the first I heard of it was when the head of adult programs dropped a pile on applications in my lap and said "happy reading!" And look, there on the cover sheet was a list of the committee members with my name on it! Shouldn't I have been consulted? I lnow I can be a bit scatterbrained when stressed, but I *know* I would have remembered this. when the applications were delivered I was simply too gobsmacked to even think of a response and once I did have time, I realized it didn't matter; I was a member of the committee wheather I liked it or not. Did I mention the part wherein the head of adult is my boss' wife? Yeah. Game over. It didn't help when, after submitting my preliminary score sheet, I saw her in the hall and she proceeded to gush about how my scoring matched hers *exactly* and clearly we were of a like mind regarding the candidates (it wasn't *that* hard; the good ones were really good and the not so good ones were not). She then commented that next year she'd have to put me on the committee for the more advanced interns with PhDs to which I wanted to reply "oh hell no!" So, yeah, so very screwed.

On that note, a word of advice to those of you who might be applying for internships and such. Please make sure the people writing your letters of recommendation are familiar with the concept of spell check. When commenting on what an excellent student you've been, the impact is somewhat lessened when there are no fewer than four rather glaring typos in the course of 200-300 word statement, especially when one of those is in the first sentence. No, its not your fault, but if this is the quality of the instructor, it does give one pause as to the quality of the student.

On another related note, when engaging in email correspondence with someone regarding something of a professional nature, please make sure you have an email address that doesn't make you look like a moron. Case in point, a few days ago, I was aforwarded a request from a college student who wanted to interview me as part of a class assignment. Basically, she wanted me to tell her about the role communication plays in my job. This is not the first such query I've gotten; I usually get one of these a year and I try to accomodate them if they sound sincere and moderatly mature. I will not consider you to be the latter, however, if you ask me to respond to you at your email address ifightcrimeinmyunderwear @ ***.com. WTF? What are they teaching kids in school these days? please, for the love of god, if you want to be taken seriously, set up an email account that doesn't make you sound like a moronic 12 years old. no offense to actualy 12 year olds intended, naturally.

On less happy news, last night I shattered the bottom of the carafe for my coffee maker getting it from the drying rack. I have had no coffee this morning which apparently makes me cranky and woeful.

On a happier note, I got back a fic from my beta and will post it soon. I miss having time to write porn, I really do.

Man, it sucks being a grown up!
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