Contrary to what the silence implies, I am around and about. I've just been in a low level funk for the past week and since no one really wants to be around Ms Cranky McCrankyPants, I've been keeping a low profile of late.
One spot of good news; the headaches that had been plaguing me daily for about a week and a half mercifully have stopped entirely. I'm going with the theory that they were sinus/air pressure related since they stopped once the weather shifted and we finally started getting rain. whatever the cause, I'm grateful for the reprieve.
Also of the good: I got my copy of the BSG season 2 soundtrack and have listened to it several times. Despite my issues with the back ten of season 2 - and boy do I have issues! - I love the music. It's so rare these days for a show to have original incidental music created expressly for the show rather than a theme song and/or a collection of pop songs marketed to appeal to the teen audience. The effective and often evocative use of the incidental music on the show is one of the things that gives it a refreshing richness and makes it stand out all the more. Attention to detail is a beautiful thing. Pity RM seems to have forgotten to apply that to the rest of the show.
I do, however, have a bit of a dilemma. I have long since run out of space on my iPod and have to keep removing music which makes me woeful. Clearly I need more memory, but dammit, I like my shiny pink iPod mini. It's shiny! And pink! woe.
And I am currently less than favorably disposed towards my work colleagues at present. On Thursday morning, upon returning to my office following a meeting in another building, i overhear one of the secretaries on the phone saying "Have a good time in Paris, P!" Now, since P is my boss, I was surpirsed by this exchange. I was even more surprised when I learned that P was indeed on his way to Paris and would be gone for several days. Not that I knew anything about this. And yes, he is the boss and he doesn't need to ask my permission, but it is helpful for me to know when/where he's gone in case of an emergency (and so I don't look like a clueless idiot when people ask). And honestly? It would be nice if he were around for more than a week at a time between his jaunts to Europe. He'd only just gotten back from 2 weeks in France and he's about to head off to Argentina in another week or so. So, yes, not amused.
I was careful to keep this information to myself rather than sharing with colleague B. As some of you may recall, B is my lazy colleague who is currently counting the days to retirement. Among her favorite stupid government employee tricks is to call in sick or find other excuses to slack whenever the boss isn't around. It is, in fact, downright Pavlovian and so blatant it's become an open joke on the floor. But, I should have known how resourceful B can be when it comes to slacking. She shuffles into my office Thursday afternoon to announce that she'll be "working at home" on Friday and, hey why not Monday as well! This, of course, is comical since she doesn't actually work in the office, unless you could reading the newspaper working. You know, I'd like to wrk at home, too. I'm entitled to do so and I currently have several writing projects that could be carried out from the comfort of home. the problem is, I feel guilty about leaving the office untended. And with boss gone, B sleeping in...I mean working at home and the fact that we are still without a departmental sceretary for another month, that leaves me. and frankly, I'm getting tired of being the one to always have to hold down the fort. although I outrank B in title, I'm not her boss and she still has seniority if you go by length of service so I can't tell her "no, you can't work at home". Besides, she'd just suddenly fall ill with a mystery illness that always clears up by the time the boss returns.
/rolls eyes
See? I told you I was cranky.