Upgraded theme layer: Austere

May 09, 2005 12:57

To upgrade your "Austere" theme to the latest version:

1. Log in and go to your layers page.
2. In the table under "Child of layer [some number]: Wide Lines" there is a row with a name of "Austere"; click on "Edit...".
3. Delete all of the text in the large text box shown.
4. Cut and paste all of the text from the current code link below into the large text box and click "Compile".
If this page reloads and says "No error", continue. If it gives an error, repeat steps 3 and 4 just in case a character was lost in the cut and paste, then contact me with a comment here if it continues to fail.

New theme for Wide Lines (0.9.2)
* Austere
This theme is not compatible with versions of Wide Lines earlier than 0.9.2. Be sure that you have upgraded your layout before upgrading this theme.

To save a new "Wide Lines" theme (color and text) for later use:

1. Log in and go to your layers page.
2. At the bottom of the page under "Create layout-specific layer" select "Type: Theme" and "Layout: Wide Lines", and then click "Create".
3. In the table under "Child of layer [some number]: Wide Lines" there is now a row with a name of (None); click on "Edit...".
4. Cut and paste all of the text from the theme link above into the large text box and click "Compile".
If this page reloads and says "No error", continue. If it gives an error, repeat step 4 just in case a character was lost in the cut and paste, then contact me with a comment here if it continues to fail.

The following properties have been set:
* friends_usecolors = false
* border_thin = solid

To use "Austere" on your livejournal:

1. After having uploaded the Wide Lines layout and the theme, log in and go to your customize journal page.
2. Under "Choose style system", if "New System (S2)" is not already selected then select "New System (S2)" and click "Change".
3. Under "Step 1: Layout", if "Wide Lines" is not already selected then select "Wide Lines" (it will be at the bottom of the drop-down box) and click "Change".
4. Under "Step 2: Customize Layout", if "Austere" is not already selected then select "Austere" from the "Themes" drop-down box and click "Change" (previews are not available).
5. Click "Add customizations" to tweak settings further, if desired.

For the historical record: Code for the version of Austere compatible with Wide Lines 0.9.01 and earlier.


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