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Jul 02, 2004 20:20

okey so i dont update very often hahaha heres my week update: JUNE 26: Cheesers birthday!! HAPPY FUCKING LATE BIRTHDAY CESAR! we went to the movies n the mall!! it was really fun so yea..JUNE 27:JEFF'S BIRTHDAY!! I LOVE YOU JEFF! AND I MISS YOU REALLY BAD!=(....=) hhHA YEA SO we went to cheesers house 4 that and then we went to the park and it was really fun n jeff got PRESENTS! including the bracelet which ill never lose! and i hope he doesnt either so yea..JUNE 28:umm...i dont think i did anything JUNE 29: i think i did something but i dont remember wut it was..JUNE 30: i went to the park but i dont remember wut i did there JULY 1:otay well today was jeffs lats day here..=( i love you..it was fun tho cause everyone went to the park and we lots and lots of fun i hope he did 2 and then after that we went to adrianas house which was also fun xcept 4 she had cats so i was like noooo cause im allergic but it was still fun but then my mom got all mad at me cause i didnt come home on time or something and we had to pick my daddy up from the airport and stuff so yea...we picked up my dad and he got me some stuff from BEAN COUNTRY!! hhaha yea and i shook a black man's hand....*shivers*....hahahha yea so thats always fun JULY 2: I SNUCK OUT!! it was me, abbylicious, jiffy lube, cheeser, josh and amaurion the reindeer!! we didnt do anything but it was still super fun hahah everyone got all scared cause we were talking about death omens ahhaha poor cheeser got a panic attack =( its otay cheese were here 4 u!! so yea then i had to say bye to jeff...which was sad but its otay and thennn...hmm..yes i went home n it sux cause my doors all squeaky!! o wells.. so yea then abby called me and i was on the phone with her till she got home and THEN i went online and me abby and jeff were in a chat and the minutes passed and then it was time 4 jeff to go to the airport so we all said our goodbyes and it was really really sad..=(((( but yea then i layed in mybed and cried for like 2 hours and i cried myself to sleeep around 8 and then i woke up at like 1:30 and i was sad..and ive been sad all day tho im trying to get over it i can never get over someone as special as jeff. i love him and i always always will..good luck I dried your tears of pain a million times for you. I'd sell my soul for you, babe for money to burn with you. I'd give give you all and have none, babe. JUSTA JUSTA JUSTA to have ya to have ya here by me!!!
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