It still exists??

Nov 02, 2012 23:48

I finally remembered to check in on my Dreamwidth account. It's still here... uh, there, since this should x-post to LJ. I haven't posted since 2009, but it's still active. I guess I haven't posted on LJ in about that long either. I read LJ often although I rarely comment and pretty much never post. And yes, I do realize that makes me a lurker. Deal with it. lol I think I have an account on Google+, but I don't look at that either. In fact, I think that is the place generating all the fricking spam... well, maybe just Google in general because it started around the same time I got my Android phone. Oh well, at least that has slowed down some. I did, however, receive an invite from a user called 'marriedbutlonely' to have an affair with married women in today's round of junkmail. Hmmm, lemme think about thaNO!

Anyway... I'm still here, I'm still alive, and I'm still interested in hearing about what everyone is up to, even if I never actually say anything anymore. :)
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