I have a knot on my back

Jun 05, 2009 21:40

So, we think Dad died of a heart attack, although it could have been an embolism or a clot too.  Will never know for sure since there will be no autopsy because his doctor signed off on the death certificate that he was being treated for various symptoms of congestive heart failure, plus he'd had one mild heart attack about fifteen years ago.  All we really know is that he went quick.  He was standing in the bathroom, and his knees apparently just gave out.  My step-mom found him in a crumpled heap leaning against the wall.  She said that he'd been in a good mood that morning, laughing and joking, and there was no indication that he ever knew anything was wrong.  She came home and found him around two pm after not being able to contact him since ten.  He was already cold.  This was Thursday, May 28.  Saturday, May 30, would have been his 64th birthday.

I'm doing ok, I guess.  Some moments are very hard to get through, others are nearly impossible.  To be expected, I suppose.

Shot my diet to hell over the last week.  Damage so far has been a couple pounds gained back, some swelling/water retention in my feet and ankles, and slight dehydration.  Too much salty food, mainly fries, and not enough water.  Arrived home last night around seven-ish after driving all day.  Long, draining trip.  Fell asleep on the couch a little after ten while watching So You Think You Can Dance (had watched Wednesday's program first).  Thank goodness for dvr's.  Still pretty wiped today.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Took some pictures while I was there to help make sense of some things I said in my last post and on Twitter.  I stayed with my sister's friend Rachelle, a Yellow Lab, a Chocolate Lab, two Cocker Spaniel sisters, a Siamese/Calico cat, and a bunny - ALL rescues, btw.  Oh, and Melissa, aka Mo, or Motor, or MoTown (my sister) was there too.  Can't show you the picture of her, though, because of the rude gesture she decided to make.

This is Starie Starie Night.  Happy kitty answers when you say her name.  She was just SO happy to finally have a cat lover in the house!  :)

This is Daisy and Trixie, aka: The Cheeleaders, or Pooper and Noodle.  'Noodle' because she flops over like a wet noodle when you rub her shoulders.  Not sure I want to know why they call her sister Pooper, but she loves her beer!  She'll beg for it, or go knock yours over if you leave it.

This is Roadie, aka Roadster or Hot Rod, and Chocolate Charlotte (my shadow), aka Nitro or Crazy or Littles.  He's about two years old and a big chicken, and she's eight months and never stops moving, not even when she climbs in bed with you for morning snuggles.  

Here are the Happy Puppies again. 

This is Rachelle, aka Ratchet (hair down) and her twin sister Stacy.  I think there was some drama or other via text.  lol

On Wednesday, after the funeral, Melissa, Rachelle, and I went to get matching tattoo's in Dad's honor/memory....  
Here's the pattern...

In progress...

And all done...

I thought there was more to say, but I can't think of it.  Don't worry, it'll come back to me around three in the morning, when I can't do a darn thing about it, and I'll have forgotten again by morning

dad, family, travels, pics

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