how am i going to get through this month with my sanity?

Dec 21, 2004 17:45

Manchester, NH sucks the life out of me. I've been home 3 days, and thats enough. I want to leave. I don't know how i am going to get through this month. I have even less independence now than when i was in high school...i don't have a car. I want the subways, i want ny. I want to be able to go where i feel like going when i feel like going. No job. Hardly any plans. I've seen my best friend who was telling me for months how much she missed me all of maybe 3 hours. I'm giving up on making plans with her..she's got to get in touch with me. I'm sick of calling and trying to make plans for her either to have a lame excuse or to cancel. It's always been that way. It was good to see em last night, we seem to almost be closer now that we never see eachother b/c of college. But, she's usually with her unh group and i'm sure i'm prob not too welcome there. Other friends have gotten boring and weird. Fuck. i don't know what I am going to do here.
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