Dec 12, 2004 11:26
hello readers.
so this ends my last weekend at pratt before i head on home to manchvegas next friday (well with a detour, but i will be home on monday). This weekend has mostly been spent working, or procrastinating work. I've gained quite the time managment skills, so i really don't have that much to do to prepare for finals next week. Don't really feel like writing about work though, i talk about it enough already and to tell the you the truth i am starting to bore even myself.
i will miss the city and my pratt friends over the break. hopefully i will take a trip back to NYC to spend some quality time with my bestest friend simonone. I miss her so.
So break should be interesting. Friends have changed..people have changed. i have changed. I look forward to spending some quality time with the few i miss sooo much. Baking cookies, walks, and nice dinners with vives..need to hang out with em and mo b/c those two make me laugh like no other and i miss anyone else that happens to be around. Hopefully some partying thrown in there somewhere. I want to paint over break..maybe even do some designs on my bedroom walls. Get back into shape. Cook pancakes on sunday mornings. Read. RELAX. Day trips maybe ( Boston? Portsmouth?)Must spend time with my sister doing the usual sisterly tortue type things. Hopefully this all will get me through the month. Anyone that read this from home,which is just a select few..leave some kick ass plans k?
au revoir.