Emotional sublimation

Aug 23, 2013 16:20

I'm not sure if this concept is the same as "re-framing," but for whatever reason I like using the word "sublime" when talking about choosing a different emotional reaction / when choosing which direction to interpret an emotion.

To me, emotional sublimation is taking an unpleasant emotion or experience and seeing how you might be able to reinterpret it so that its not as painful or possibly even experience it as positive. (Yeah, the more I write this out it sounds like re-framing.)

Ex: I miss someone.

Instead of dwelling on the current absence, a potential sublimation would be excitement and hope about seeing the person again.

Ex: Jealousy
Potential sublimation: self-love. (This is actually a tricky one since jealousy and envy both stem from insecurity and feelings of low self-worth. Recognizing the roots of emotions and being able to see where they come from allows us greater emotional depth and - hopefully - more gentleness with self.)

Of course, sublimation requires honesty with oneself, the ability to recognize (destructive) emotional processing habits, and then a leap of faith.

Let's so how well I can re-train myself.
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