My First Post

Jan 08, 2009 17:15

Hello eveyone! My name is Emily, I'm 15 years old and I live in New Jersey. My main reason for creating this community is to have a place where I can upload all of my latest Photoshop creations. Yes, I am addicted to Photoshop, so having a place to post my numerous creations will be good. I also create the occasional icon tutorial, so be on the lookout for those! I'm in love with One Tree Hill and Fall Out Boy, so don't be surprised if most of my creations have something to do with either of those. Usually I make One Tree Hill icons, but lately I've been experimenting with stock images. Enjoy!
Please credit me and comment if you take anything =)

Program: Adobe Photoshop CS4
Operating System: Windows

* Right now I'm working on making my own Layout for this community, so sorry if it looks ugly at the moment! *

Here's a teaser of some of my work:

There's more to come soon and I DO accept requests!


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