Aug 30, 2006 12:02
I've got some pretty serious stuff to look forward to/to fear (they're often intertwined just a little, aren't they?):
1) My furry little angels come home on Saturday evening! So naturally, I will be back in Jersey for that momentous occasion. I plan to camp out downstairs with them to keep them company. It'll be the cutest sleepover ever.
By the way, we've revised their names: the black Persian boy is Jeffrey, and the tortie-point Himalayan girl is Sabrina. Amherst people should be quite amused :)
2) The start of school on Tuesday. Egad. I don't have my own class, but I am doing something English-related with classes from grade 2 to grade 6. How in the world am I going to prepare for THAT? On the bright side, I really only need to make 6-7 lesson plans per week, and have all of ONE class to teach on Mondays, followed by 3 prep periods (aka free periods.) Not a bad way to ease into the week!
3) I think for the first time all summer, I'm starting to achieve some mental clarity. That, or it's still a complete frenzy up there and I'm deluding myself, as is often the case. At least I'm not ruling out the possibility.
There's a few things I would change if I could go back in time, but I've just got to work with what I've got. Breathe...