Aug 19, 2006 12:39
Hooray for things happening in the realm of me making a movie! robby and i hung out the last few nights, did a little "research" (watching different movies like blade and boondock saints) to help spur ideas of what works and what doesnt in good movies. i'm really pleased with how well the ideas are coming. we now have most of the movie figured out story-wise. there's still a hole in the continuity, but with a little thought (and some reading of the anarchists cookbook) we'll have that taken care of in short order. then it's just a matter of editing the basics bones of a story we have until they're unmistakeably a solid skeleton. right now what we have is really solid, but it's like a well-constructed left leg, torso and spine, skull, and right hand. you can see that what's there is very solid and well put together, but there's a lot missing. but you can see what the skeleton will look like (more or less) when it's done. obviously there's a lot of work to do, but it's going well, and it's going to be cool.
we've been trying to work in badass stuff, especially in the later scenes. it is, after all, a movie with vampires, and that means we can have all kinds of extremely cool stuff. here's some of what we've got so far that falls into the "this is really fucking badass and/or just plain cool" category:
1.) Vampires throwing really heavy stuff and having it break other stuff/people
2.) Vampires moving super-fucking-fast
3.) Gunfights
4.) Explosions
5.) Glass breaking/shattering
6.) A strip club (read: boobs)
7.) Shapeshifting
8.) People being thrown like ragdolls from the concussion of an explosion
9.) Bared vampire fangs
10.) Vampires getting shot up and still being mostly ok
11.) Slow-motion action sequences
12.) Backflips
13.) Jetpacks?
This is not a list of things we have in our movie, but just a list i came up with right now of things that may or may not be really cool. obviously, as i look over the list, some of things are kind of dumb, but part of this early phase is just putting every idea on the table, no matter how stupid, and then working on eliminating them from the long list, rather then shooting them down before they are even discussed. do me a favor and dont give me a lot of guff about something on that list being kind of stupid. robby and i are smart enough not to put the stupid stuff in the movie, or even to leave out cool stuff that just doesnt fit the mood/story. these are just ideas.
now i pose this question: do you have anything to add to the list that would be cool/badass in a movie like this? discuss.