Feb 20, 2008 15:31
She was 78 years old with arthritis and an amazing pianist from a bygone era of rulers-to-knuckles if you messed up; she had played for actors and giant halls. My dad substituted rulers-to-knuckles with standing by me and punching my shoulder for fun...good way to get over distractions:)
You know, when I played piano....my teacher did an excercise to test my transcribing skills.
Play a whole song written in C in the key of G without re-writing it, just look and transcribe in my head.
In 10 minutes, I was playing SONOTINAS written in Bflat in the key of D, or F or whatever she called in instant transcribing and it was addictive.
I couldn't stop, she couldn't believe it. I was going through every song I knew, listening to the changes caused by the change in key and loving it, facinated. Playing AT SPEED. first time through.
AND, then when she left, for kicks I sat on the floor with my back to the piano, hands above my head on the keys and played in reverse.
but I couldn't write my own music:/
Just mess with others; and only classical, not jazz.
my brain works funny