Nov 17, 2012 18:46
I was skimming through my personal email earlier and I noticed that I had an email from someone asking me to support the Team Members of Target and sign a petition so that they can spend Thanksgiving with their families instead of going in in the evening for the "Black 'Friday'" madness. I, of course, deleted it since I had no idea who the email is from and I was annoyed that I got on some weird mailing list.
After I deleted, I wish I had kept it to see their reasons for the uproar. It brought me to a couple thoughts I wanted to share. 1) Why is Black Friday shopping on a Thursday anyways? I think that defeats the purpose. I don't go either way so doesn't bother me. 2) However, since I don't have a big Thanksgiving dinner planned since Duncan has to work I may have gone this year at 8 PM had I have had the funds to do so. 3) The thing that makes me most annoyed about this is that yes, a majority of people would like to spend any holiday with their families however, when you take a job in the service industry, customer service, or a variety of others you KNOW that there are weird hours associated with it. They are still giving these team members the entire day to be spending with them. I'm not saying "Let's screw the Target employees", because I have friends that I have worked there and would never wish that on anyone, however it comes with the job. I have been blessed to work at Red Robin for the past 5 years where we had Thanksgiving and Christmas Day off only, which is nice for those 2 holidays. However, working for Disney, can you imagine the uproar if we decided to give all Cast Members off on Thanksgiving so they could spend it with their families? Exactly. What if the world decided that doctors and firefighters needed to stay home with their families? Sorry, your fire and heart attack have to wait until I'm done with my turkey. No, that doesn't happen. Basically, what I'm saying is, suck it up or don't work for Target. The End. :)