Mar 21, 2012 18:08
Time for a quick update!
No news as of yet for my Professional Internships. I do have 2 "Meet and Greets" tomorrow for the Alumni Training position that I applied for. I have one at Disney University tomorrow and one at Animal Kingdom on Friday.
Today Hollywood Studios closed at 6 PM because someone rented out the park tonight. It was nice to not be there so late, but I really have nothing to do since I'm already ahead on my homework. I'll probably just watch my 90210 DVD that I got in the mail today. My schedule has been pretty much the same every week which is really nice. I've been off on Sunday and Monday, then I close Thursday-Saturday, and my Tuesday shift is always random, and I've been opening on Wednesday. Today I was supposed to work 7:45 AM to 5:30 PM, but I left early since it was so slow. NEXT Wednesday, I work 7:45 AM to 8:30 PM, craziness.
That's all for now! Joe's Crab Shack, where Duncan works, is in "Mock Services" for the rest of this week. He'll be off on Sunday so we'll actually have a day off together, which hasn't happened in weeks!