I had a great hair day today.. or so I thought.
Liss and I started a "note"book.
I realized Liss had wayyy to much time on her hands... Singapore Sally? Gosh! Wow. I think I'll make one...
15 minutes later....
Nah. it's too difficult. Blegh.
Geometry- Started the Notebook.
Russian- Got bored out of my mind with presentations.
History- Nothing Interesting.
Drama- Nothing.
Lunch- I gots a new nickname:: Doc. Don't know how I got it but I did. Some other people are the other 7 dwarves.
Gym- Played volleyball. Ugh. Josh was a traitor. Boring class.
Bio- Had Paul and Shawn make it intersting with their remarks.
English- had a field trip to D108. *shrug* I liked that room until the song came on. Then we went back to the other room. *yawn*
After School::
--Made cookies.
--Bundled the newspapers.
--Played the vampire game ( if anyone is interested in joining the game... Please click ~~~~>>
http://quiz.ravenblack.net/blood.pl?biter=mixed-up+eyez )
--Buffy wasn't on... so... I walked arounf the house aimlessly.
-- Jeopardy
-- CSI
-- Without a Trace
-- SLEEP!!!
<3 <3
BOXERS...yep. You're a very relaxed and fun person.
Nothing else is cooler than boxers!
What type of underwear are you? brought to you by
Quizilla Soccer...you like the outdoors and the smell of
fresh cut grass, good for you! Now please go
rate my quiz...
What Sport are YOU?!?!?! brought to you by
QuizillaYou're Bugs Bunny! Intelligent, mature, clever,
educated, sophisticated and popular! You outwit
all your enemies, and live the happy life.
Which Looney Tunes character are you? brought to you by
Quizilla ~Clio~
Your muse is Clio, the Proclaimer, the muse of
History. Her symbol is the scroll. You're
very interested in history; have you considered
archaeology for a taste of something new?
Which of the Nine Muses is your muse? brought to you by
Quizilla You're Ireland!
Mystical and rain-soaked, you remain mysterious to many people, and this
makes you intriguing. You also like a good night at the pub, though many are just as
worried that you will blow up the pub as drink your beverage of choice. You're good
with words, remarkably lucky, and know and enjoy at least fifteen ways of eating a potato.
You really don't like snakes.
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