Scattered Thoughts

Aug 18, 2010 20:50

Of the good: Car fixed and paid for, so I can use it again, yay.

Of the not-so-good: My mammogram came back with a few scattered microcalcifications and a spot of increased blood flow right in the area where the lumpectomy was done. They did an MRI and weren't able to rule anything out, so on Monday, I am scheduled for another biopsy. *ugh* I am hoping it comes back fat necrosis and scar tissue, which is the current popular bet among my care team, however there is some percentage chance that it is something else. I'm working on ignoring it.

Of the fun and awesome: Vividcon! I had a hard day my first day, but by the second one, I was well into the groove. I did feel like I was in fannish dating mode, though, since I didn't have a lot of Seattleites around. I could totally have been the poster child for 'hanging around at the corners of conversations, too intimidated to join in' but by the end of the con, I was working my small pool of extroversion a lot more. I'm afraid that's as much of a con report as I can manage this time, but I loved seeing everyone and talking about vids.

Of the 'gasp! how can you say that': Still haven't seen Sherlock. Have downloaded it, but need to watch it, which is apparently more difficult than it seems.

What I am reading: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I downloaded it in case I ran out of reading material on my way to Vividcon, and I only just started it, so I should be set for a few days.

Most recently watched movie (Movie #11): The Losers. This was a lot of fun, and I adored it. I have a thing for the Jeffrey Dean Morgan, and my husband rented this on demand, while I was at vividcon. So when I got back, he said he'd watched this fun flick and I really had to see it, but that it expired in 4 hours...I gave a little yip-squeak and scuttled over to the couch to watch. I mean, I have my priorities.

(Other movies seen this year: 2012, Ghost Writer, Alice in Wonderland, How to Train Your Dragon, Clash of the Titans, Iron Man 2, Despicable Me, Karate Kid, Shutter Island and Inception which are a great double feature, Mr. Brooks, The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus, and then a set of Sci Fi classics: The Time Machine, The Thing from Another World, and The Land that Time Forgot. So I am up to 26 movies, close to where I want to be. I just realized I was never going to get around to writing about them. Ah Well.)

I also had my 25th wedding anniversary and my birthday in the past couple of weeks. For the anniversary, we went out to Cafe Juanita, which is owned and operated by Chef Holly, who competed on 'The Next Iron Chef' last year. She made it to the finals, and it was awesome to eat someplace that served those kind of fine dining meals. oh, and Lar tried the 'Peach Belini with lardo crostini' since he wanted to try lardo after reading a description of it in the book 'Heat'; he said it tasted the exact way it was described in the book.

Sorry to have been so quiet lately! I don't promise to post more, since I seem to be bad about that, but I am dropping into LJ more and reading again, which is nice. It's good to see that everyone else is having lives too.

me!, vividcon, vidding, 50movies

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