2007 Bike Ride #19: N Lake Washington, Lake Sammamish, and Mercer Island

Jun 30, 2007 21:25

Ride Length: 78 miles (approximately)
Elevation: 2340
Where: Route at Bikely
Start Time: 8:00-ish
How long: 10.0 by watch, 7.15 on-bike time. 10.7mph avg speed.
Heart Rate: 125 avg, 157 peak
Total Calories: 7700

It was hill day for our intrepid gang of 3. I drove over to sherrold's house at 6:30 am, as we were to start our ride at 7 am. Only...I forgot my bike helmet, which necessitated calling L and waking him to ask if he could bring it over. He's a good egg, and he did, so we were able to get out the door at 8 am.

It was an incredibly lovely day to be out and about around the lakes. We did the flat part of the trail in record time for us, and then went around the rolling hills of lake sammamish. That part was good too, but when we left the park for the (incredibly steep) 520 trail, I ran out of energy fast. When B wanted to pull over to a shady section before going up the bellevue hill, I was all for it, and the cliff shots and bar I wolfed down were just what I needed to make it down to I-90 and the Mercer Slough.

I've never done Mercer Island before, and wow, was it beautiful Great views of the water, trees, and wonderful cool shade. But we were kind-of over extending ourselves, and by the time we re-joined civilization for a potty stop, I think we were all ready to flop down in the grass for a long break.

So we did.

Eventually, we roused ourselves, and headed back across the I-90 bridge (FYI: Bridges freak me out, so I was as far from the water as I could get) then climbed our way up home. Right now, after advil and dinner, I feel great; I'm just not sure about getting up tomorrow and doing the same sort of thing again.


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