Ripped right out of ST:TOS - Rodney's Brain

Nov 23, 2005 22:00

From the doorway, John could see that Rodney was hooked up to what looked like a hundred different monitors. He was pale and breathing with effort. But when John tried to enter, Carson blocked the way.


"Carson," John nodded at where Rodney lay on the bed, "what's the mystery? What's happened to Rodney while we were knocked out?"

"I don't know how to put this, but it looks like his brain is gone."

"He's always been a little high-strung--"

Carson shook his head. "It's been removed surgically."

John stared at him. "That's impossible. How could he survive?"

"It's the greatest technical job I've ever seen. Every nerve ending in the brain must've been neatly sealed. Nothing ripped, nothing torn, no bleeding. It's a medical miracle."

"If his brain is missing ...then Rodney is dying." John swallowed.

"No. That incredible Canadian physique hung on until the life-support cycle took over. His body lives, The autonomic functions continue ... but there is no mind."


Yeah, okay, I'll be going now.

[fic]gen, sga, fiction

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