Jun 18, 2006 21:07
pschyzophrenic, psychodelic, voodoo madness. is this sopposed to open me up to more love brother. fuck no you stupid fucking hippies. fuck no. boneroo is evil. it breathes and screams and unleashes steam like an almighty dark train. how can that scene in pinochio were he goes to that carnival and is allowed to do whatever he wants and ends up being a drone be real? why do i have to feel like people just don't get it. why do i wonder through a see of morons. bonoroo has many levels. it's design is so perfect. it's a dark abys that wants to eat what you are and chew you into cut out varied versions of the same thing. the pot heads. the acid heads. the rasta dudes. the schow-binists. bonnorroo is designed for people on ecstacy to have a full 24 hour schedule. it is designed for people on acid to have a full 24 hour schedule. it is designed for drunks to have a full schedule. the thing is, these people are all at different events swarming around each other. there is that many things going on once. i sat with some old hippy guy. i looked like a frat kid that night. he was listening to Gomez of something rediculous like that. i just sat down next to this group of old hardcore hippies. they were disgusted. they kept passing me pot, i kept saying no i dont want your herb i just want to hear you talk. they kept trying to make inside jokes to each other, like this one old dude was trying to use slang with me like.. "hey man i hate this shit thats playing, this guitar shit, yeah, ughhh i hate this right man RIGHT MAN me and my crew yo don't dig it". he was trying to say in a backwards way that he loved that stupid shit, but it was fucking better than anything on earth i must be a fucking frat boy who doesn't get it. but he was so wrong...and he is the hippy? psshhhh. fuck hippies. that was just one example. i mean all i do everyday is fucking laugh at how stupid they are. ok so a long time ago one person ran into another person and was like heyyyy wow we have the same viewpoints, the same style, the same love of the same music. you dont wear suites and go to work 9 to 5 like my parents, wow you are interested in drugs too? you are interested in nature and spiritualism? so ok out of those 2 fuckers they found a 3rd and a 4th and so on and son until there was so god damn many of them they were only looking for each other and were the most closed minded mother fuckers. i say, they have worn themselves out. the more old fashioned of a hippy you are the more hippy cred you have because hippies live in the past. however not just any past. theee innnncreeeeedible primalll oldd world ways of the fucking 1960's. seriously. the fucking 1960's. ugh please quit corrupting our children with your droned programed reverse babble were you think if you allude to some collective idea that all hippies happen to have that you are doing your part repeating the same thing while you sit buy and watch everything corrode and do tiny little helpful things but dont hit the fucking beast in the balls because you are so out of reality that the reality you are fighting for doesn't exist and will never now because it's too late. you missed the boat. you missed the boat by not fucking getting it in the first place...which is, don't be a hypocryte. anyways i am so god damned delirous, the sleep deprevation, the sores all over my body, the walking 10 miles a day. i dont know if iver ever put my body through anything this hard except that island. i felt like i stood alone amongst 90 thousand people. i wish one person was there with me. i wish one person was clinging onto me and i was clinging onto them and we were both on top of the world scoffing at the madness. both on top of the world reassuring each other that it was all going to be ok. i cant humble myself when im alone. im just disgusted. i cant humble myself to anybody that doesnt deserve it..it looks like it. but im having asshole thoughts about them. were are your manners, what did your mother teach you, type of thoughts...
beyond the hippies, it was amazing. beck had a table that he sat down at, and said, hey me and the band are going to have some lunch. and they made the most insane song banging there hands all over the table. and live puppets of him on the big screen showing exactly what he was doing on stage.. i liked how he got it. like look at me i'm dancing for you maniacs. haha im actually a dork but i dont care. ughhhh i think i got a hernia. wow im bitching for how much fun i had. its funny how i met so few people. i mean there were 90 thousand people and nobody talked to me. nobody wanted to. i think they could see that i was going to rip them a new one. i met one dude that i hung out with for a night.. i freaked him out trying to guard money. i almost had a new friend.