Okay, here I am thinking: "Hmm. No post today?"
But that, my friends, is a lie. Because, looky what KC found...
"If Your Child is Gothic, Reform Through the Lord!"
http://www.freewebspace.net/forums/archive/index.php/t-57042.html Oh man...the people on this thing...just check out the whole page...Bloody funny.
You know what...where the "Reply to this message" link? Huh? Where? Because I've got some choice things that I wanna say to these...*bites tongue, refraining from bad things to say*...lovely (gah) people...
Who in the HELL wrote this BS (remember: That's Bad Science, not anything else...you bad bad children!)?!
Oh, the things I could think to say to these people...
Please. Share these with your parents, kids...I'm sure they'd LOVE to find five or more things wrong with you.
Just for the record...Here's my bit:
-Frequently wears black clothing.
-Wears band and/or rock t-shirts.
...Half of my shirts have bands...bands rock!
-Wears excessive black eye makeup, lipstick or nailpolish.
...Lots of girls do...IT'S FUN!!! *mutters* killjoys
-Wears any odd, silver jewelry or symbols. Some of these include: reversed crosses, pentagrams, pentacles, ankhs or various other Satanic worshipping symbols.
ALL that I wear is silver. Pentacles are symbols of the four elements (Earth, Wind, Water, Fire) and the top point is the Spirt, a sort of 5th Element if you please. Anhks are an Egyptian symbol for Eternity. Duh. Learn your histpry, JACKASS.
-Shows an interest in piercings or tattoos.
I've got 7 piercings, thank you very much. 3 in each ear, and my bellybutton. ANd there's nothing wrong with tats. If my mum, dad, or brother died, there was this lady who had her mum's initials on her shoulder remembering her, so I'd totally do that.
-Listens to gothic or any other anti-social genres of music. (Marilyn Manson claims to be the anti-Christ, and publicly speaks against the Lord. Please discard any such albums IMMEDIATELY.)
Hmm...let's just THINK about that one, there...
-Associates with other people that dress, act or speak eccentrically.
*laughs hysterically*
-Shows an increasing interest in death, vampires, magic, the occult, witchcraft or anything else that involves Satan.
Vampires are hot. Magic is boss. The occult is interesting, so's witchcraft, and death is, well...death.
-Drinks alcohol.
On special occasions, I do. Don't most kids?
-Is suicidal and/or depressed.
Rusty: "You scared?"
Linus: "You suicidal?"
Rusty: "...*grin* Only in the morning."
-"Ocean's Eleven"
Seriously. Depressed on a really bad (and I mean REALLY bad) Day.
-Complains of boredom.
Okay...let's not even go there...
-Sleeps too excessively or too little.
Both. Usually too little. And this is why the Lord invented a simple thing...CAFFINE (a drug oddly enough...I love coffee. I love tea. I'm an addict, what can I say?)
-Is excessively awake during the night.
Hehe. It's 12:06 as I type this.
-Dislikes sunlight or any other form of light. (This pertains to vampires promoting the idea that His light is of no use.)
I like the rain MUCH better. Nice, cold, and rainy. Better for running. It's heaps of fun to dance in the rain *busts into song* "I'm only happy when it rains!"
-Demands an unusual amount of privacy.
I need to THINK dammit, THINK!!!
-Spends large amounts of time alone.
See above.
-Requests time alone and quietness. (This is so that your chid may speak to evil sprits through meditation.)
...Speak to evil spirits through meditation...? WTF?! See above.
-Insists on spending time with friends while unaccompanied by an adult.
I don't mind adults. But, HONESTLY, HOW many of you wanna be on a date with your mum or dad there WITH YOU?! Who wants there 'rents to be there listening to every conversation?! How the HELL are we gonna get outside experience for the Real World (which ALSO sucks) if we have mummy and daddy holding our hands every step of the bloody way?! GEEZ!
-Eats excessively or too little.
Two words (Lads...cover those eyes and ears): Menstrual Cycle. Better known as a period. That time of the month. Also, MUNCHIES (GOSH, I HATE those days!)
We are growing bodies, ladies and gentalman, and we require FOOD...some more or less than others. We try helping our bad habits, really....but, sometimes, you want that extra chili dog....or maybe you just aren't hungry...you'll eat something later...
-Eats goth-related foods. Count Dracula cereal is an example of this.
It's CHOCULA!!! I have a box of that stuff in my cabinet. Also, does that make the 6 year old kids who eat it at Halloween part-time goths, as I mentioned yesterday? Wow...those are some f-ed up toddlers...
-Drinks blood or expresses an interest in drinking blood. (Vampires believe this is how to attain Satan. This act is very dangerous and should be stopped immediately.)
Vamps are hot. The stories are great fun to read. Just ask me and Jess about the quiz we took...Hehe...THAT was fun...'Sides...theres some allure or something to someone nibbling your neck...now, I've no personal expierence, but...I'll let ya know...Like I said...Vamps=HOT.
-Watches cable television or any other corrupted media sources. (Ask your local church for proper programs that your child may watch.)
...I TOLD you guys that Barney and the Tellitubbies were Satanic and Evil....
-Plays videos games that contains violence or role-playing nature.
Super Mario and Luigi...GOTH?! SATANIC?! DAMN!
-Uses the internet excessively and frequently makes time for the computer.
Well...I dunno about YOU guys, but...I'M certainly screwed.
-Makes Satanic symbols and/or violently shakes head to music.
Headbanging...Satanic? Hmm...damn that rock music with good suonds...You know, my cousin and I decided that Headbanging is a totally white thing. SHe's Half Mexican and Half white and she gets a headache when she does it...I don't *proud grin*
-Dances to music in a provocative or sexual manner.
Most teenagers do this...It's sorta NATURAL, if you think about it...One of the things that humanity is good for is seduction...Loads of adults do this, too...whether it be for a spose, partner, crush, client, or whatever is YOUR bussiness...I knew Freaking was Evil...
-Expresses an interest in sex.
I think I'd be worried if my future kids didn't show SOME interest. I don't care whether it be with the same, opposite, both, or even HEALTH CLASS, figuring out how babies are made, WHATEVER....it's UNNATURAL to not show some interest. A lack thereof gets kids in TROUBLE...like STDs and/or pregnancy at 13...wait...that's ALREADY happening...Whoops. BUT STILL!!!
*shocked* That is ABsotuly NONE of your bussiness, dude!!! That is SO uncalled for! Although, they do say it's a very healthy sexual exploration...ask Dr. Drew and Adam Corolla! Or any other board certified specialist like Dr. Drew: Docter, nurse, ANYTHING.
-Is homosexual and/or bisexual.
I am behind these people 100% of the way.
-Pursues dangerous cult religions. Such include: Satanism, Scientology, Philosophy, Paganism, Wicca, Hinduism and Buddhism.
Don' even get me started. This is one of the most wrong, politically incorrect, mistaken, and worse thing EVER. Don't be so DAMN CLOSED MINDED, you asshole. It's a miracle they put up with your Bollsheet! That is such a terrible thing to say RIGHT THERE! Ass.
-Wears pins, stickers or anything else that contains these various phrases: "I'm so gothic, I'm dead", "woe is me", "I'm a goth".
Now...mine don't say any of the above, nor have I seen any of them...but they are DAMN funny. I wear pins ALL the time. And, for the record, I TOTALLY want a pin or sticker that says "Woe is me". That's bloody AWESOME...I'm totally gonna get some made...WiM is a Shakspearean things...but I s'pose Shakespeare probably was a Goth, what with all the beauty sonnets, and tragedies, and romances, and comedies, and such...massively Gotic, I'm sure.
This just goes to show all of you kiddies how narrow-minded, biggoted, politically incorrect, and closed minded, not to mention LOADS of other things that people can be. And the fact that a Catholic posted this makes the rest of us seem just as narrow minded, biggoted, politically incorrect, and closed minded as THEY are...This kind of CRAP could make any race, gender, or religion seem that way.
Thanks for making us all look that way (pardon my French) Dipshit. Now fuck off and die. Is that Goth enough for you?
BTW: My quote for the day, from Ocean's Eleven:
Rusty : Why do this?
Danny : Why not do it?
[Rusty shakes his head]
Danny : Cause yesterday I walked out of the joint after losing four years of my life and you're cold-decking "Teen Beat" cover boys.
Danny : Cause the house always wins. Play long enough, you never change the stakes. The house takes you. Unless, when that perfect hand comes along, you bet big, then you take the house.
Rusty : Been practicing this speech, haven't you?
Danny : Little bit. Did I rush it? Felt I rushed it.
Rusty : No, it was good, I liked it. The "Teen Beat" thing was harsh. *pause* Whaddya think Rueben'll say?
*cut to Rueben*
Rueben: You're outta ya Goddamn minds!!!
PS: It's is OFFICIALLY 12;42 in the morning on Monday, the 30th of August. Rock and Roll.