Jan 18, 2005 16:53
If it wasn't for all my friends back here on Miami I probably would of stayed at Puerto Rico. The trip was amazing and surely was an experience to remember. I would tell you what I did on my trip but it's just too much to say. Besides, I grabbed most of it on tape so that I can show you all or if you prefer it the old fashion way I can tell you about it.
I see a lot of you were busy...mentally. Lots of stuff going through your heads and as a result, have posted a lot of entries for me to read...LoL. Im not sure if im going to post any comments on all of the entries since they are just so many. I'll probably post something during one of my nothing-to-do days...not that your entries mean nothing to me, it's just that...it's A LOT of reading to do...LoL. I just hope that during my absence you all behaved yourselves and stayed out of trouble.
As for school, my classes up to now have been cool. Im not really sure if I told you all my schedule so I think I'll post it:
1. MUH 1011/Instructor: Luis Gomez
Music Appreciation - MW - 9:30am - 10:45am
2. MAC 1114/Instructor: Domitila Fox
Trigonometry - MW - 11:00am - 12:15pm
3. ENC 1102/Instructor: Fernando Ganivet
Literary Analysis - MW - 12:30pm - 1:45pm
4. ANT 3241/Instructor: Kathleen Martin
Myth, Ritual, Mysticism - MW - 2:00pm - 3:15pm
5. PEM 1404/Instructor: Nestor Bustillo
Aikido - Sat - 11:00am - 12:40pm
Well, there you have it...my schedule. Im taking 5 classes (13 cdts.) this semester and so far it seems like I'll have a not so hectic schedule...or at least that's what im hoping for.
If im not mistaken I think most of us, if not all of us, are going to be getting our financial disbursements some time this week. So I was wondering if any of you are willing to hit the clubs with me this weekend? Just post a comment or call me. If you have some other ideas let me know so that we can have ourselves a fun weekend.
Until next time... Take Care