Last night was so much fun! Jen, Lindsay and I went to the Def Leppard/Poison concert. First off, if you don't know, Def Leppard is my all time favorite band. This is the 3rd time I have seen them. They were my first concert when I was 9 and then I saw them again at 19.
We hadn't planned on going but yesterday afternoon we decided to just go and get tickets at the concert itself cause they still had some. Well Jen got a text from her friend Lisa, who said she may be able to get us backstage as she is friends with Will, who plays keyboards for Poison. We parked around back in VIP and Lisa was waiting for us with Special Guest stickers. So we got into the show for free. Yay!
She took us to the side stage during Poison. It was a ton of fun. Right before the last song Rikki Rocket does his drum solo. Well right when he finished I felt an around go around me while I was talking to Lisa. I thought it was Jen, since she had done that a few times. But when I turned around it was Bret Michaels! He said "are you ready to do this? You gonna go up there with me? We'll do it naked!" And then he went on and sang the last song, Every Rose Has Its Thorn.
We went back over to their bus to wait for Will. The band came back to the bus and Bret was like "Did I surprise you?" I was like oh yeah I thought it was Jen. And he's like "you were ready to go out the in just boots with me huh?" Totally just goffing around with me. They all went off to change and we waited with Bobby while he BBQ'd hot dogs cause CC wanted one. Rikki Rocket came out and hung out with us for a bit. He is a really nice, down to earth guy. No ego at all. He was happy to talk to us and just chill.
Will came back from taking a shower and took us down to front row for Def Leppard for a few songs. And then he snuck us to the side of the stage as long as we behaved. Then when it was time for us to leave the side stage, he gave us all a couple of Phil Collins guitar picks for being good.
We went back and Rikki showed us his video promo for a reality show about his drum company Rocket Drum Works. They make drum kits more economically. It looks pretty cool. He had one of his comedian friends there who had us in stitchesm he was telling us how crazy Tracy Morgan is. The comedian is Craig Gass(?, I think that was his last name.) But anyways, he does spot on impersonations of Christopher Walken, Tracy Morgan, Al Pacino and Tom Arnold. He was telling us stupid kids jokes as Christopher Walken. So funny! And was telling us about doing his Al Pacino for an ep of Family Guy next month.
When we left Rikki's bus he gave us all a hug and kiss on the cheek. Will and I were hanging around waiting for the other girls to come back for the bathroom when Vivian Campbell from Def Leppard walked by and I said hi. Also it was Viv's b-day so the audience sang Happy Birthday to him. He is a lot shorter than I thought. Joe Elliott walked by and Will was like "Hey Joe can you say hi to the nice ladies". Joe said "Yes, but I'll be right back. I have to go help Viv with a movie. Apparently he doesn't know how to work a dvd player." Well the people I was with wouldn't wait very long. So I didn't really get to meet Joe. This mad me uber sad as I have been in love with Joe since I was 8. He is an amazing singer, he's gorgeous, etc. But at least I was within 4 feet of him and saw him with my own eyes. Sav also walked by but I think he's quite shy cause he was walking quickly. Phil looks awesome. You can tell he does his kick boxing every day. I saw Rick from far off hanging out with his daughter.
It was such a fun night. With the exception of not getting to meet Joe, it was awesome! Anyways, that was my crazy, random fun night! I will post pics later. My camera on my phone is a little slow so some are kinda blurry but it's all good.