Windows Vista + Halo 2 =
As if XP wasn't obnoxious and flamboyant enough, here are some fun facts about Vista:
1.) You need a video card to run it. . . .
2.) Halo 2 for the compy was ONLY released for Vista
3.) Vista likes it up the butt with horses
4.) If you mess around with vista you will get AIDS!!
Okay. Okay. I am being exorbitantly unreasonable here. Gay people are pretty sweet and it's grossly unfair to compare them to this abortion of an OS.
Anyone who would actually buy Vista just so they could play Halo 2 (coz its an awesome game) PROBABLY ALREADY HAS HALO 2 ON THEIR X-BOX AS IT WAS RELEASED LIKE 3 YEARS AGO.
Microsoft is retarded and inept. Simply the existence of Windows Vista is offensive and I really take exception to the fact that if I want to get a ripped version of Halo 2, I'll also need a ripped version of Vista. Yuck. That's like an extra hour of work for me. Besides, I'd much rather fill my hard drive up with movies and music and pr0n than some shitty OS that stole its redeeming qualities from Mac. . . which already sucks beyond comprehension.