I'm not a victim, I'm not a freak

Jul 25, 2006 11:08

There's something about this guy that's just not....right, Faith can't help but think as she stumbles up to the stranger on the Boston Common that her friend Jimmy had pointed out to her. She wants to party, and Jimmy tells her that this is the guy to go to if you want to get a few spare tabs of acid. Normally Faith would just pick through her mom's purse until she could find something but lately Lena'd been fresh out. Besides, she had just spent the last twenty minutes haggling prices with his competition.

There's something about him. He makes her tingle, a feeling she's not altogether used to. Granted, she's felt a variety of different tingling sensations in her teenage body but it's never felt like this before. This is different.

When his face changes, warps, shifts into something Faith's only spotted in horror movies on late night TV her fears are validated. Not just on television though, these dreams. She's had nothing but nightmare after nightmare for the past two weeks and every single one features men and women with faces just like this one. Glowing angry yellow eyes, deformed cheekbones, sharp fangs pointing out of red lips. And just like in her dreams her heart leaps up into her throat because she doesn't know what to do, but she feels like she should.

"You wanna party?" He whispers to her as one hand clasps dark tangled curls and draws her closer. "Why don't we party, Slayer."


She opens her mouth to scream but no sound comes out. She's a bully, spent more than her fair share of time fighting, proving she's the biggest and baddest, been caught in the midst of far too many bar brawls for a fifteen year old. This isn't a bar brawl, this is different and now she's scared like she's never been scared before.

He tosses her easily to the ground and before she can move he's on top of her, monstrous face smirking down at her. Telling her she's not so tough, not living up to the legend, a fucking joke. And as his fangs close in on her throat she rips an arm free and pops him in the face so hard she can't even believe she's in her own body.

Easily she jumps back up to her feet and stares at her fist in shock for a minute.

"I'm like a freakin' superhero!"

She's distracted for just long enough to get a backhand to the mouth. Her head snaps to the right and as she slowly moves back, dark hair in her face, hand at her jaw and a gaze to melt ice she can finally see the fear in the vampire's eyes. And she likes it.

After that it's mostly a blur of untapped power, speed and strength. She moves like she's only seen people on TV move, and while it's happening she can't help but think it's the best dream she's ever had. To have this much power, to feel so fucking in control. It's the most freedom she's ever tasted and she's not ever letting go of it. Instead she lets go on the vampire, wails his face, body with her fists, her feet and eventually with a rock she finds on the ground.

He barely looks like anything now. She quirks an eyebrow as she towers over his fallen body. How did you kill these things anyway?

"Hello Faith."

She whips around at the sound of a strange voice, sounds English to Faith but she's only heard that on TV too.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Kate Westport. I'm your Watcher." She replies automatically in a clipped, no-nonsense tone. Faith already doesn't like her. "Beating that thing into a pulp won't kill it, you realize."

"You don't say." Faith barely breathes out, her eyes torn between the strange woman speaking to her and the vampire still groaning on the ground about what a bitch she is. "So you know so much, Watcher...whatever the fuck that is, why don't you tell me how to kill it?"

Before she can wait for an answer Kate tosses a small pointed wooden stick in Faith's direction. She marvels at how quickly she catches it, how it feels in her hand. Natural.

"What do I do with this?"

"You put it through his heart."

"For real?" She shoots Kate a curious look and gets such a serious one in return that she decides it can't hurt to try it and find out. "Just like the horror movies then." She mutters before leaning down and slamming the stake into the vampire's heart. Her eyes get a little rounder as the monster that had attacked her moments before suddenly crumpled to ash.

"Holy shit."
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