This passion is a plagarism

Jul 25, 2006 11:07

You automatically wanna equate passion with fucking, and let's be honest I got a particular talent in that area. But I'm smart enough to know you can have a passion for just about anything. My mom had a passion for drugs and bad men and destroying herself. Some people might say I take after her but those people don't know jackshit about me. Besides, Mom's dead and I'm still kickin' around. Takes a licking and keeps on ticking. Kind've my own personal motto. I'm like the fucking Energizer Bunny with nine lives or something.

I have a passion for sex, dancing, drinking. No matter how many times people tell me to grow up I can't see myself outgrowing the things that I love. I like to have, like to have a good time and I don't really see nothing wrong with that. Give me a few shots of Jack Daniels and set me loose on the dance floor and I'll get the party started. Guaranteed.

The thing is when I think about passion I don't think about any of those things. Yeah, I kinda love them and they make up who I am but they're not exactly the number one driving force in my life.

I'm a force of fucking nature. Sometimes I can't sleep at night if I don't do a sweep of the cemetary and get my slay on. I like killing things which works out well cause it turns out that's what I'm built to do. Killing vamps is better than sex, for real it is and if you don't believe me you should give it a try. Well, maybe not cause most people'd probably get their asses whipped but not me. I used to think it was a slayer thing til I met Buffy, then I thought it was just a me thing til I met Kennedy. Now I know the truth. B just likes to pretend, she gets off on it just as much as the rest of us do.

I like the feeling of splinters digging into my palm from gripping my stake too hard. Love the feel of fists meeting flesh and I can take a hit just as good as I can deliver that pain. It's almost like flying, makes you feel so fucking alive that nothing else in the entire world exists. Cause I know that I'm gonna win and they're gonna lose and at the end of the night I'm gonna be brushing dust off my leather pants before heading home.

Don't care what anyone says. Fighting is like breathing, I need it like people need oxygen. And when I send that stake home and a cloud of dust bursts into the air it's better than the best orgasm I've ever had.
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