Mar 12, 2007 17:05
so i have been uber bissy lattely. i house managed the show saterday, sunday, monday. the cresent players voted to make house manajor a poishion on the e-bord...and i dont think any one wants anyone other then me to have it. yesterday was strike and after the show ended some old laddy fell down the stairs so i was so scared and dident know what to do. but it all worked out ok. im exsosted beyond beleif. today i went to french (only because i am achuly catching up)woot and took a nap...had an amasing dream and was sooooo happy. then i had to go to a meeting for the one acts cuz im now a stage manajor for one of them if you diddent allredy know. the meeting was horable cuz i diddent know half the stuff i was supos to do cuz nobody in all my questning EVER told me. the dance class... ware i was trying so hard..then i fell and hert my ancle. i was so pissed and upset with myself that i let a tear or two slide down. unforchently somone notices...burns, kyle and jamie...but i kept working on it and lerry pushed me harder. i felt like such a falure..i cant even spell it right lol. then math, then math homework...achely went rather well:) im calming down a little. just took care of some of the stuff i diddent know i had to do. tonight all that's left is anime club and room selections.. im moving into brownell/apartments with friends :) and i think it is funny that people keep trying to through me suprise partys but they relly suck at it...sweet but mucho fustrating.