Dec 14, 2005 16:03
Well, I am back! J and I have moved out of the psychopaths house and are in our own apartment. Our housemate took us to court to have us evicted. We got paperwork served to us and he sued us for $1000.00 and forced eviction. The $1000.00 was for rent covering August, September, October and November. Here is the kicker: We paid rent for June, July, August and September and part of October. We had the cancelled checks to prove it. Now, before court, the housemate went and locked us out of the attic, basement, garage and moved all of our belongings from every room of the house into the living room and dining room. Now, if anyone is familiar with tenents rights, knows that that is considered summary eviction and it is illegal. A landlord in New York STate is not allowed to touch anything belonging to the tennent. Also, they are not allowed to harrass or prevent the tennent access to common areas of the house. Our housemate has broken all of those laws.
We get to court on December 1, 2005 and the judge asks us if we agree with the amount of money and we say no. We tell the judge that we only owe our housemate $350.00. We show him our cancelled checks and our housemate looks so completely dumbstruck. The judge asks him if he recognizes them and he goes "Uh-umm... well no." He sounds completely stupid and as though his balls have crawled right back up inside of him. We had our cancelled checks over to our housemate and he just stares at them. The judge says that it looks as though we only owe $350.00. Then our housemate says that we should owe more as our cats have destroyed his house and he thought the checks were for utilities. The judge says, nope, the chekcs say rent. Then in the middle of the court room, our housemate starts to whine to the judge. I could not believe it. We tell the judge we will move out over the weekend and there is no reason to have us forcably removed. Then our housemate, having found his balls somewhhere in the hallways says again, forcefully, "I want them out, their cats have destroyed my house."
The judge looks at him like: "Who the hell are you?" He doesn't even respond. He says to our housemate that because we aremoving out he is not going to hold a hearing the summary eviction and won't fine our house mate either. I wish, to a certain extent that he would have fined him or that there would have been a hearing cause I wanted him to get fucked as hard as he fucked us.
So, paid him the money that we owed in rent and moved out. We are now in a fabulous new apartment. Our cats are so happy. They haven't stopped running around since we got here. J starts his new job on January 9. I am going back to school in January as well for computers. Life is starting to get a lot better. WE have been to the brink of hell, we have lived with the mother of psychotic housemates and now we are back to us.
I just want to thank everyone for all of their support. I want say to my honey that I am so proud of him. I didn't think we would make it at some times, but we did. I will be updating things more frequently now that we have computer access now.