In which there are many gratuitous pictures and much squeeing over pretties and all the marvellous nerdery that is Expo
Considerably bigger inside than I remember it being, although that could possibly just be because everything was spaced out more (although the inevitable crush of people happened wherever there was something shiny) and all the food stalls inside. Mostly all Japanese food- the Japan section was massive this year- and the queues for them were ridiculous. I did get ice cream though. Because I’m cool like that ;D
Watched so many trailers for things. Pitch Perfect looks awesome and I want to see it now and the trailer for Magi on the gigantic screen outside almost made me want to watch it…Watched a bit of an episode of some show on Syfy as well as they had a section with squishy chairs. I appreciated all the sitting down areas and ended up hanging out in the nerdy board game section for ages. There was a game where the counters were the Enterprise. A board full of Enterprises. It was awesome :D
There were also loads of art tutorial things going on and a Doctor Who exhibit thing that had a massive queue on one side and an almost perfect view of everything in it from the other side…I did however have to peer in and yet also avoid taking my eyes of any of the Angel merchandise. Just in case, yeah?
(Slightly evil-looking steampunk Doctor to hammer the point home. I'd like to point out the girl in question looked perfectly amazing and wonderful and somehow I took a photo that made her look like a demonic zombie)
Ran into Bethan- the lovely Captain America- who was in much demand for photos by being adorable. The helmet weighed a ton btw
Random appearance from Camelot
Kuroko! She was lovely and made my day for being there. The world needs more gay basketball love
There was so much Les Miserables love today, massive posters everywhere, the trailer on repeat, complete randoms humming songs from it...I need someone to go with me to see it. Of course I'm going to go by myself as well but finally I have a chance to see Les Mis again without actually having to sell a kidney for a good seat ;P
Because that hats are amazing *nods*
There were loads of Lokis about (what is the collective noun for Lokis anyway? A murder? A confusion?) and all the Avengers, although it took me a long time to get a full set. Hawkeye was surprisingly hard to find…Coulson I found on the tube home *g*
Slightly inconvenient precipitation meant the steps outside were as empty as I’ve ever seen them…
…and instead everyone was inside. And you never noticed until you left but there was a distinct smell of wet dog from the slightly soggy costumes right by the door.
My hoard of shameless showing off
All the bookmarks! Aren’t they adorable? All for a fiver, I’m going to have to buy more books so I can use them all equally of course…
This picture has been living on my rucksack as a keyring for years so when there was a print of it I needed it, I really did. Easily my favourite Fai pretty boy picture *g* I spent ages at the stall staring longingly at all the other pretties there too~
And then there’s a free Tiger and Bunny poster is up on my wall being smug and free. There was just a random guy handing them out to everybody. I wanted to rescue them from all the people that didn’t know what it was for. Also because it I like it :D
Met some lovely people on the train back; it’s amazing how easy it is to gain instant acceptance from a large group of people when you recognise the cosplay and mention Merlin. It’s like Tiger&Bunny + Merlin = Large enough demographic for everyone to fall into it ;)
Also I got talking to girl at one of the stalls and when she saw my Echizen keyring she started singing You Got Game? Apparently I was the only person who recognised the song, even the Seigaku cosplayers she saw earlier didn't get it. We both agreed that all Prince of Tennis fans should be made to sit down with the gay tennis musicals and then she rounded the price of my purchases down to the nearest five ;D See, gay tennis really is the best thing ever. And nothing anyone says will ever change that