Dearest darlingest flist, let me tell you a story about gay mutants.
No, really, X-men First Class is possibly the slashiest thing I’ve seen in…ooh, about a day ;P
Cut for masses and masses of spoilers. Like the entire plot, as seen through the eyes of someone who only cared about the gay bits.
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I'm Alex, I'm...always like this? Whenever I'm not complaining about something of course, which can be fairly often, because the world seems designed to provide shiny gay pretties to play with and lots and lots of fic to enjoy? Suspect I'm not organised enough to mod anything but damnit I can lurk like the best of them!
...that sounded more impressive in my head...
Chess. Chess which means 'I love you' and 'who's topping tonight' and canon tells us they do this even when they're all enemies and old. If only Charles hadn't said it was his fault at the end they could've done off and had gay little adventures where Charles tried to convert Erik to being less trigger-happy around the humans, and Erik could look after him instead of bint-CIA woman and help him get used to the wheelchair and be all guilt-ridden but determined to not let Charles get hurt like that again. And, yeah. I came out of that loving it but desperately wanting some ridiculously self-indulgent fixit hurt/comfort where the hurt is negligible but the comfort takes entire pages *looks shifty*
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Thank you very much! It can be like that sometimes with fic- unless you know where to start looking for it you might as well be searching for the Holy Grail :P I'll be sure to check out all her stuff.
Ooh, it's good! I hope you enjoy it and the wait isn't too torturous. They're all rather adorable in the film. Lots of pretty to admire...and, y'know, plot. And really short skirts because it is the 60's after all...
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