I thought I had more older ones maybe ill scan them in soon. I've been looking through alot of old pictures lately and it is very surreal. Hmmm. Oh how things change. = ( slash = ) or maybe = / not sure. haha. I feel wierd.
This one was the night we arrived in vegas for Drea's 21st birthday. Me and sass on a grass bike. My clothes are funny in this one. This was october 2005.
This is another one from that same night as in the earlier post. Drunken and xanaxed a couple of us. And drea's in this one.
crap this might be it again. I need to scan in some pictures.
ah ha i found some in the deep depths of my comptuer. haha.
October '03 had just gotten off work at the Halloween Store. Met both sams (k and h) at OFM show.
haha this one's great. Me with a "pirate" on a cruise with my entire family. hmm I'm thinking march '05 yeah.
Here's My Doll Playing with the Exploited - December 2004
Heres another one
These one's are from mexico.not sure when. I know I was still in high school. Hmm.. I think theres are from my junior year. so late 02 or early '03. Notice the hand behind back to hide cigarette. Here's me and chris before partying to hard
and shortly after haha