Sep 15, 2004 15:06
I'm feeling sad and sorta depressed. I think it might be this cold rainy weather. I think today was one of those days where you don't want to see anybody. I will be going by in the halls and there will be some people who will say hi to me and I just walk right on by them without even saying anything. Theres just a bunch of random thoughts flowing through my head. One of them is I want to become closer friends with people. I don't want to be so to myself all the time. I feel hella selfish cause I'm always thinking of me. What I want.... Does anybody even read this shit. Am I wasting my time on being friends with some people if I can't even talk to them? This is what I do all day when I'm feeling like this is ask myself questions that need to be answered but I can't answer them myself.... I can't, I want, I need, I wish......