Aug 03, 2004 10:25
Gosh doesn't it suck when you can't sleep cuz everytime you wake up and then go back to sleep you keep having the same nightmare. My nightmare was about little gremlins that were killing the whole city and I kept trying to get away and everytime I was almost there something would happen. It was horrible while dreaming about it but its funny when you think about it. I remember the little gremlins would crawl around the place really quick and they looked cute but when you got close to them they would eat you. Its a horrible dream when they eat your friends. I remember I kept trying to drive and save people that I liked and wanted to save and then something would happen to screw it all up. The weirdest thing is those gremlins would come out at the most random times and they were always unpredictable so it was always scary. If you know what my dream world looked like you would be scared too!!! I remember there was a weird diserted carnival and I remember I kept trying to steal a bus to get out of the town with all my friends who could fit in the bus and then everytime i tried I would fail. Then the last thing I remember is that I would keep going to the mall to try and steal things for supplies and something would always happen to screw it up. Thats all I can remember and I promise it was scary haha