The Shrine.

Nov 27, 2007 23:40

This is for my best and closest friends who mean the most to me in life right now.

You have been one of my best and closest friends since I moved to Pueblo. We were best friends for six years and I never doubted our friendship for a second. You made me laugh, you made me cry, you made me crazy, and you also let me be apart of your family. We have been through so much shit together, I'm surprised we survived middle and high school. You were my first true best friend and I'm blessed to have had you as such.

BROTHER!!! We have gone through so much shit from band and choir in high school, it's crazy that we became best friends and practically inseparable your senior year. No matter what you do or what happens, you will always be my brother and best friend. You make me laugh, so so hard. It's amazing how we have never argued... over anything! Now that's love, lol. When we turn 21, we better have our first legal drinks together.

It's horrible that we have only known each other for only four years, but I was blessed to have met you. You became my best friend and you still are. I love you with all my heart and it's insane how we are able to live without seeing each other everyday of the week. You are my sunshine in pouring rain. I'm able to tell you everything and it's amazing how much you understand, especially how much I have gone through these past four years that has taken me on an emotional roller coaster. You make me laugh, you make me cry, but mostly you make me laugh. You're the best thing that's happened to me. You always make me feel loved and wanting me to be loved. You are my savior.

Sammi B. Seven years of being tortured in band together. Whatever that has happened in band, I have always been able to turn to you and either rant or laugh with you about it. Pride City was the best five years of my life and having you in those memories has been amazing. I love you to death.

You are my love! You have always put a smile on my face. I can't believe how we have the same life problems at the same time, but it's magnificent because then we talk to each other about it to let off steam and going from either pissed off or crying, we turn them into laughter. You are like a sister and best friend to me.

You are the sweetest guy I have ever met, even when you're stressed out, you're still a great person to me. You have a big heart and a great sense of humor. You always make me smile and laugh. I'm glad I had the chance to meet you. You're such a great friend. I love you and I always will.

The past three years have been such a great time. You've become one of my best friends and being on the drumline with you made Pride City so much more fun, being section leaders together. You are an amazing person, such a smart girl and a big smile that makes me smile whenever I see you.

Chantalle & Heather
Whether you two are fighting with each other or not, you two are the greatest example of best friends a person could ask for. You two make me laugh and make me feel loved, all the time. I'm so glad I met you in Pride City before South, or else we wouldn't've had so much fun. I love you both!

From the moment I met you, I knew you were a handful! And that's a good thing! You make me laugh all the time as well as smile. I can tell you everything in confidence even though we've only known each other for three months. You have a great spirit and an amazing singing voice. We have so much fun together and I hope we will be friends for a long time.

The Gang!
Cyndi, Sam, Chris, Kenn, and Carlos. You guys are amazing. We always have so much fun when we're all together and we laugh so much that my muscles hurt. I'm glad I had the chance to start hanging out with you guys, you have made my first semester of college one to remember!

friends, friend shrine

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