Dec 10, 2006 23:11
Lists seems to be the way to go right now. So I'll stick with the trend cause I don't normally write lists. Things I appreciate in my life:
Walking in downtown Northampton with Christmas lights up everywhere
Dancing regularly because I forget sometimes how happy it makes me
Music, just is general. it's pretty great.
Maps, upside down, right side up, big and small. It's all wonderful.
Flowers of almost any kind. They just brighten up a room somehow.
Bright colors
Mr. bunny, cause everyone likes to snuggle.
Warm drinks, like tea and hot cocoa.
Blankets and my heater when it turns on.
Small furry animals
Imitating squirrels or cartoon versions of squirrels
Laughing at everything especially when it's inappropriate
Winter ice cream trips
Earrings, the long dangly kind
Late night conversations with a certain someone
Picnics and scrabble with friends
Random conversations with people who come to my room
yes Buffy too
and currently my "I'm a Smithie" sweatshirt
I forget how great this time of year can be because we're a little bit separated from the outside during finals until right before Christmas. But it really is just a wonderful, happy time, maybe not always or for everyone, but the experience of interacting with people day to day seems so much more pleasant and warm. So I'm basking in the feeling of walking by myself absorbing the holiday spirit.