Patriotism is not just for white men.

Nov 07, 2012 08:36

I may or may not have been too jazzed to sleep last night, and there may or may not have been fiercely patriotic sock knitting as a result.

'Course sock knitting tends to lead to fierceness over whatever the object of the moment is, but still!

Fiercely. (stab, wrap, pull, tug firmly) Patriotic. (repeat in other direction)

Small actions yield big results, each one like a stitch in a sock or a hat or a blanket, or a nation that refuses to go backwards.

I am so proud that we have more women in the senate now than we have ever had. We have our first disabled woman, our first openly gay person ever, who happens to be a woman, and our first Asian-American woman. We have Elizabeth Warren, who won despite being a hot headed, loud mouthed, opinionated woman who was out raised and hard fought.

Rape and hatred lost out to reason, just a little bit last night and we did find a way to shut that shit down. Not all of it, by a long shot, but some, and big men lost because people said "Hey, yanno what, that is not ok."

A biracial, moderate man got re-elected for the highest office in the land and a rich, loudly religious, anti-gay, anti-health-care, anti-reproductive rights, radically conservative white man lost.

Think about that for a minute. People didn't have to die to let us have as say in how we wanted this country to be last night. We went and put our marks down, and, by and large, it was recorded accurately and a dark skinned man proved it was not a fluke that he got elected the first time.

That is a miracle right there, my darlings. The man who spent the most money didn't win.

Tiny, small actions, $4 at a time, or $10, or $65 and people yelling on the internet and calling and walking precincts and having family discussions made for national debate with passion and reason. For the first time, more than a few people were doing their research, and earnestly trying to figure out and work on what they believed would be the best thing for all of us.

My guy won, that is an amazing and joyful thing for me today, I will feel more safe tomorrow, knowing he won. But I must say, to all of you, whether or not you voted for my guy.

I'm so proud of us. All of us.

Lookee what we did, we made each other talk, and we made each other think, and we brought new, loud and passionate and knowledgeable voices to the national table.  My 11 year old nephew is passionate about politics now, because of us and our willingness to do this noble experiment every four years. I hope he never loses that excitement, and I hope he challenges me to explain my stances, and why I am voting the way I do, every single time it comes up.

Small actions, one at a time, each one a stitch in our national fabric, each one part of what adds to our human potential, each one as important as the others, each one a foundation for the following row.

My sock will be done tonight, or tomorrow and worn with pride and love by my wyfe, who likes fierce, passionate things, like she loves this country she has adopted. Fierce, passionate, made up of small people, no two exactly the same, but all part of one beautiful nation.

election day after, national socks, patriotism

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