There is little I can say about the recent events in Arizona that has not been said better by wiser and more well written folks than myself. is a link to The Keith's statement about the murders and our individual and social obligations to repudiate violence in the name of political discourse.
I swear to you, regardless of how intrinsically we disagree, you will have a safe space in my home. I don't care if you are Glenn Beck, or the most opposite Tea Party member, you will never be under the threat of violence in my home and I promise to uphold this for all spaces I am a part of.
We have to agree to disagree, and have a *civil* discourse. You may be an idiot and I may dislike you and your politics, but you damn well have the right to have them, to air them in a safe way and not to have to worry about being shot at a political function.
Shame on the hate mongers. You are Un-American. Everyone has a voice at the American Round Table, and you should be ashamed that *anything* you have said that could be construed to be a physical threat has left your thoughts and made it into the public eye.
This is America, we don't do that here. We argue, we disagree, we get passionate. We *do NOT* paint targets on each other.