Crack glee story part two that wouldn't fit on post

Jun 29, 2010 23:14


"Hello, is this thing working? I hope so... Either way, here's my first video blog! Yay... Clap, Ekim! Now!"

In the background there was a muffled yell of "That's not my name!" Matt jet growled and turned his attention back to the video camera.

"Either way, the heist went great, as in I got the beam. We stole it right from the people driving the van while they were still conscious...

But 'Brittana' just HAD to show up. As you know, I have an an anti-seduction ring, but I kinda forgot to make one for Ekim.

Half-way through the heist, I was abandoned because Ekim was off, making out with Ynattirb behind the trees. I probably shouldn't have given her that trait.

So I was left all alone with Anatnas. This wouldn't have been a problem if she didn't kick ass. She managed to break my right arm. Again. Luckily, I made a bone re-grow ray after the seventh time.

I haven't updated on the super villian name yet.. I mean, we have Ynattirb as Apexian and Anatnas as Glamma Messor."

Matt began to fidget as he heard Mike yell from a different word " You are Doctor Dorcas! Exacting revenge on those of your own kind!"

"At least I've been thinking about mine WHILE SOMBODY ELSE HAS BEEN LAZY AND PLAYING HALO 3 INSTEAD!"

Another grumble came from 'Ekim', "Says the one making a blog currently." Mike walked through the room, making a point to stick his tongue out at the video camera.

Mike rolled his eyes and began speaking again. " Oh, I just remembered, if you haven't seen, there's an article about our heist.

It talks about someone stealing the condensed heat, but it also says that the beams were stolen by terrorists planning to blow up all of Ohio with it. The police are offering a reward if whoever stole the capsules step up.

Sure, maybe the reward is a thousand dollars, but I don't care about getting money. I just want to steal it to corrupt the system this world runs on. So don't expect meto claim it."

"Because, as you can tell from our setting, we don't need any funding." Mike taunted as he walked by again, a basketful of laundry in his hands.

"Yea, I have the ninja does laundry. I wash the dishes. Get over it. Now, before Ekim rudely interrupted us,"

A yell echoed into the room "Youre talking to a camera!"

Matt cominued, seeming unrazed except for the annoyed look on his face, " Once me and my not-so-faithful-servant put our beam to use, it'll be worse that anything those terrorists could have done!

I'm sorry that I can't tell you what we arendoing, but we don't need the police to foil our plot. But trust us, you'll know what we did when you see it.

Now for the comments; Mke wants to do one as he feels left out, so he's going to be doing the first. I apologize for the tragedy that's about to occur."

Matt grimaced as he slipped off the screen, in which Mike slid into the chair infront of the camera. Mike only smirked, a troubling and dangerous look in his eyes.

"So, I chose the first comment from 'DeathWhiny109'; "You keep talking about Brittany- I mean, Ynattirb, like you made her. Why?"

Well, that IS a fascinating story. A year or two ago, Matt was getting a bit lonely without any female prescence. So he made his own android.

It was only a prototype, so it was not perfect. In the middle of Matt downloading traits through the disk space in her ponytail, Santana came and took her.

Basically, Brittany lacks a chip for 'gender preference', 'intelligence', 'comprehension', and 'love for creator'.

So now Matt's still lonely and he has a bad-ass, flying, super strong, super fast robot who he made but works with his enemy and will hook up with everything."

Mike grinned as Matt grabbed his arm and threw him out of the chair. A foul look was on Matt's face as he sat down with his arms crossed.

"Is somebody a mister grump pants?" Mike taunted as he walked away again, probably to finish the laundry. Matt mumbled a few choice words under his breath until breaking into a false-cheery smile.

"The next comment is from 'Jackson_Nash'; "Would you and Team Brittana ever team up to defeat King Jesse St. James? Like a Voltron of evil awesomeness?"

The answer; NO NO NO!!! Me and Ekim could take down Essej or 'Saving Tune' any day- by ourselves. We don't need two slimy girls that are our evil nemisis to defeat Saving Tune, our hero enemy.

As for our final comment, 'firefly_ca' says; "Is it true that you go to school with Johnny Snow? Can you gt me his autograph?"

You don want Jonny's autograph. He already thinks that he's Dr. Horrible's nemisis, signing autographs will go straight to his head. Plus, he's a creeper albino. He was expelled for stalking Coach Ken. Who follows Mr. Tenaka around anyways?

That's all for the blog, and our Meltation Device will strke tonight. See you at the aftermath tomorrow.


DISCLAIMER: Still don't own it

I had fun and loved the questions you two gave me. Once again, itouch, sorry. I'll try to post again.

P.S. Does anyone know how to cut/link posts in journal?

crack, strange, mike, glee, dr.horrible, matt

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