Hello everyone *waves*
I'm back from my unannounced hiatus, perhaps more appropriately termed a disappearance.
I apologize for my prolonged absence. Real life took over. The past few months have been devoted to schoolwork and college applications (heh, I'm a young'un). The college application process is now all over and I'm starting to receive acceptance letters! Today was my first day of February vaction and it was about time I got off my ass and posted something.
I haven't checked out your recent entries yet, will do ASSAP. I hope you all have been doing well!
I've added many fandoms to my obsession list :p. It not includes:
Battlestar Galactica, Dexter, Grey's Anatomy, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Stargate Atlantis, Smallville (still my number one =D), Supernatural, Heroes, Lost, and House M.D.
Also, I've changed around my user info.
One last thing, I've updated my journal layout, check it out --->
wickedgirl23 The banner and the default icon were made by me =)
A small icon post will follow this entry.
*EDIT* I guess I came one day late for Allison Mack appreciation day, awesome idea Tabby!
current mood: