Stolen from
limegreensquid 3 WORD ANSWERS:
Not as easy as you might think.
1. Where is your cell phone? on mouse pad
2. Boyfriend/girlfriend? love my harem
3. Your hair? messy right now
4. Your mother? not fun thoughts
5. Your father? crazy ass drunk
6. Your favorite item? this, my computer
7. Your dream last night? makes no sense
8. Your favorite drink? citrus green tea
9. Your dream car? it runs well
10. The room you are in? my living/bed room
11. Your ex? lives with me!
12. Your fear? life is meaningless
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? alive and happy
14. Who did you hang out with last night? Brady at Agora
15. What you're not? 100 percent sober
16. Muffins? what about them?
17: One of your wish list items? tripod for camera
18. time right now? one in morning
19. What was the last thing you did? decided to blog
20. What are you wearing? pj bottoms, tshirt
22. Your favorite book? too many, jeez
23. The last thing you ate? iced oatmeal cookie
24. Your life? I'm still trying
25. Your mood? want to cuddle
26. Your friends? all strange fucks
27. What are you doing right now? drinking red wine
28. Your car? not yet exists
29. Most loved memory? fun with nature
30. Your summer? moved a lot
32. What is on your tv? boys playing zelda
33. When is the last time you laughed? earlier this night
34. Last time you cried? sometime this week
35. School? someday will happen
ps. I wrote this last night before bed and forgot about it. Thank you, LiveJournal Autosave!