the final countdown

Jul 27, 2009 11:16

Yep, my life will change forever any moment now. The due date is July 31st and the Doctor said we're in the Red Zone so I sit and wait and worry and panic...
It's already hot here, I think nearly 84 and we're looking at 90s for most the week. Should make for an interesting wait for baby. I'm utterly useless at this point. Can't commit to doing anything whether its cleaning, writing, drawing, even watching TV just doesn't seem possible with how my mind is all ADD right now. I don't know what to do with myself. I keep annoying the cats, do a dish or two, turn on the TV and promptly turn it off, check email, LJ, email, LJ. Sit in front of the fan and ponder scary possibilities, get all nervous, wander around the house looking for distractions. But the baby stuff is everywhere! There is no getting away from it. So back to worrying and pondering and staring at the bag loaded with gear for the hospital and wondering what I missed.

This is maddening. I'm going to be a fruit loop by weeks end. Maybe I already am.


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