I've got the Monday weirds

Jun 29, 2009 07:52

Apparently I've lost the ability to sneeze. Well, I can sneeze little ones but if I feel a big one coming on, the kind you have to brace for, it never comes. It's like some strange anatomical brakes activate. While its handy for preggers lady reasons, it kinda leaves me unsatisfied. My allergies are acting up a little lately so I keep having these build up reactions to an oncoming sneeze then nothing. Hubby keeps looking at me like WTF was that? I just shrug. Weird!

Second to last day of work, YAY! I expect today to be hell but I'll keep repeating in my head, 'one more day' until its all over. And its bittersweet having to stop in at all my previous work haunts to say farewell tomorrow.


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