I'm ridiculous and A2A

Apr 21, 2009 22:02

Why on earth do I want a Dreamwidth account when I can barely come up with things to post to this one?

I watched episode one, series two of Ashes to Ashes. It's nice to have the gang back. I missed Gene terribly. Alex seemed nicely toned down and I actually kinda feel sorry for her having to go through all the "going home" stuff again. I enjoyed the early scene between her and Gene where she acts all excited about the possibility of going home and all he's interested in are his boots. While I get all giddy girly with Gene coming to the rescue, it will grow old fast to see Alex reduced to the damsel in distress. They need to let her be a strong woman in the series to be Gene's equal. Interesting, the possibility of another coma someone caught back in time with her. Made me wonder if Gene could be a coma guy as well except that he seems much too adapted to his surroundings and I kinda like the more macabre theory that Gene is an angel of death. And while I am silly and pitiful in my shipping of Gene/Alex, I think I'd prefer it never to be realized in the show. Perhaps hooking him up with the returning character from Life on Mars would satisfy my shipping cravings. Folks are already discussing the show soundtrack which apparently is already available. Theories abound about how "In the Air Tonight" will figure into the show. I can't say I've seen the music play an important role to specific scenes through it does provide a nice atmosphere to remind the audience of the year. Since the song is rather ominous, I'm not sure it will directly relate to any part of the story of the season. I must admit I like that they have chosen to go a bit darker with hints of humor.

Since I've been banished from the master bedroom/bathroom renovation when Hubby breaks into exposed insulation areas, I've been slowly tackling my own project outside the front of the house. Rhodie's surround the house and they have grown monstrous so I decided to reclaim one small parcel of earth that parallels the walkway leading to the door. My intention is to eventually create a patio or New Orleans style inspired courtyard area complete with iron gate. Of course this is long off in the future but I've cleared one Rhodi and chopped the other to heck, leaving only a stump to dig up. The last one took nearly a day for me to excavate. We've already enjoyed the extra space we gained out front, BBQing yesterday and dining out under the shade of our Doug Firs today. Our yard is heavily wooded, providing a nice natural privacy barrier from the main road which we like so transitioning it to a private courtyard should work out nicely.

Lastly, Bioshock is a neat game. I love the settings and style of it. Hubby plays and I coach him through things, usually spotting things he's too busy to notice. We make a good team.

ashes to ashes

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