Five Faves Meme

Nov 04, 2008 16:33

Tagged by catzen20.
Sometimes it's ok to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top five fic-favorites you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.

Well, this continuously changes so lets see, I've only ever written for 2 fandoms, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Jekyll.

Triangle, a ridiculous farce written for an Ethan Rayne fication. Unfortunately it is a WIP that seems to have stalled out at 4 parts because of my insane need to make promises I know I can't keep. It was originally intended as a Buffy/Ethan pwp but my concern for a small audience due to lack of Giles lead to him being tacked on, but not delivered. Anyway, I enjoy the anger fueled banter between Buffy and Ethan and the outlandish relationship they begrudgingly fall into.

Greater Good. My vamp!Giles novel written to satisfy what I really wanted to see in series 7. This is where I let loose my love of angst and tried to torture the characters (and audience) as much as I could. I go back and read this sometimes when I want to get my angst on.

Old As Dirt and Just as Filthy, one of those fics where I said to heck with it, I wanna read this. A simple plot, Dawn recalls fondly her first time. Where it gets troublesome is who it's with. I've always been proud of this one and certain moments still make me smile.

My guilty pleasure is the demented non-consensual and perhaps incestuous relationship in my short Jekyll fics Sometimes I Punish Him and it's lesser quality sequel Enemies With Benefits. It was another one of those times I decided I didn't care what grief I got for sharing my twisted side and admitted my OTP for Jekyll.

I started a special Jekyll project a while back and never really went live with it since I highly doubted, and rightly so, that I would manage to keep up with it. Unfortunately it's been hidden away dormant for ages now and though I have an outline for where I wanted to go with it, I can't get my muse in gear to return. A blog fic of rather angsty proportions, incredibly bleak and moody sequel to Jekyll that volley's between Tom and Hyde's POV's as they wake to a nightmare scenario of which each must unravel the mysteries, both blaming the other and vowing revenge. The writing is solid in this one, more solid than most of my writing and I love bouncing between the two characters.

I'm gonna tag absolute_tash, ladyforash, meegat, lionesskeeper, kamikaze_miss but only if you wanna play. Or, if you've already done this one, just link me to it so I can get a peek.

jekyll fic, btvs, fic

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