Ever wonder what Human Resource Pr0n would look like?

Aug 20, 2008 19:22

Okay, my idea of HR pr0n starring my pookie. No nudity which is a change for James (oh snap!) but I stand by my man. Apparently James and some other familiar faces have starred in some business training videos. While this would be quite the dull project for most sane folk (of which I am not a member), I have quite an appreciation for such things. Having some experience in such matters, trust me that anything you can do to pep up these sorts of professional development seminar thingies is good.
Anyhoo, want some tips on interviewing skills, well join James in getting the goods:

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I'm feelin' better. Work is a bit hectic but manageable. I'm itching to manip something but have run out of good bases. Never did sign up for dosomethinscary but still considering it. Looks like its a rather thin bunch of sign ups. Still, sounds interesting for anyone who wants to challenge themselves in fanfic, art or vidding. Writing is, well, going slowly. I've got a fair chunk written trouble is, there's a big donut hole smack dab in the center where smut should be. I dread to think it but my smut muse has run out on me. The crap I come up with looks more like an instruction sheet for putting together something from Ikea. I'm just not feeling it and it's driving me crazy. Oh well. Hubby and I watched the first episode of the latest Top Gear season. I love them boys. Love Them Lots! They make me smile and laugh and want to hug the stuffing outta them.

Anyway, I'm off to stare at a blank page in hopes Tom and Claire and possibly Hyde feel the love.

ETA: Two hours later. Bloody f*&ing Hell I've been castrated!!!! Why can't I do this. The smut, it is gone. *pouts*
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