Ethan ficathon

Jun 22, 2007 10:49

I'm an idiot.
A total dweeb and glutton for punishment.
I made the mistake of reading through the requests on the Ethan ficathon signup and saw two requests for Ethan & Dawn or Ethan/Dawn. For those who know me know, this is like pouring gasoline on a flame. Then I signed up and said I'd prefer to try a Buffy/Ethan fic. This is a sort of cop-out since I have a Buffy/Ethan fic half finished now. But Ethan/Dawn is my guilty pleasure.

I haven't been able to write in nearly a year now so I haven't a clue why I signed up. Then again, with a name like Khaoschilde, I was kinda required.
What have I done... what have I done?
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