Pervontai \o/

Mar 02, 2007 06:59

I get a TV tomorrow. That means PS2! FFX-2, King's Quest VIII, Dancing Stage... Wheeeeee~ Now I also get a reason to save money for FFXII. :O

We've been trying to think of a Finnish slogan for Cats at work, something to write under the name of the title... The best we dancers have come up with was "The Hairiest Pussies in Town". xD;;; Also, we started working with the Rum Tum Tugger-song yesterday. It'll be eight girls and me pole-dancing. Yes, you read it correctly, it's striptease!! And I get to be a bit misoriented young male cat... And they still call it a family-show. xP;

Also, I watched my very first episode of the Third Finnish Idols yesterday. It was the first final, but I haven't checked yet who was voted out after the show. Four personal favorites: Mia, Kristian, Ari and Anna.

I have no idea why I woke up at 6:50am today... ^^;;

cats, ps2, work, tv, games, slogan, idols

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